
 “Immortality lies not in the things you leave behind, but in the people your life has touched.”

At Hospice Care of Middletown, our volunteers take this saying to heart. If you desire the rewards and satisfaction of serving others, volunteering may be a perfect way for you to give back to your hometown community.

Volunteers are essential to hospice!  They bring an extra special touch to the lives of patients and their families.  Hospice organizations are dependent upon community members to support their programs through many different avenues of service.  In addition, Medicare hospice providers such as ours are mandated to use volunteers.   Their volunteer hours must be reported and must be proportionate to the number of staff care hours provided to their clients.

What do volunteers do? Provide a variety of services including respite care, errands, friendly visits, life histories, legacy letters, bereavement and spiritual support, beautician services, complementary therapies, and general administrative support.

What do I need to be a volunteer? To be a Hospice Care of Middletown volunteer, an interested individual must complete a volunteer application and provide references.  Once references are complete and an individual is deemed appropriate to be a hospice volunteer, a criminal background check must be done in accordance with Ohio Senate Bill 160.  The Volunteer Coordinator will then review the roles and responsibilities involved with being a volunteer.  In addition, a potential volunteer must participate in an orientation and training process and receive a TB screening.  Finally, the trained volunteer must sign a confidentiality statement and waiver forms and pass an orientation quiz.  Each subsequent year of service, a volunteer must complete required in-service training and a quiz and receive an annual TB screening.

Hospice Care of Middletown Volunteer Application